Under the auspices of helping struggling school children to grapple with complex emotions and mental health issues, students will be screened not for their own benefit, but to further the aims of total gun control.
The Obama executive orders written in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting introduced a number of policy-laws designed to mandate mental health programs and screening, and include ‘gun talk’ as part of the deal.
Funding for these programs has now followed suit.
WND reported:
And while it may initially sound reasonable to some, the influx of guidance counseling and mental health services is designed to create a paranoid snitch culture inside the doctor-patient and counselor relationship to put a black mark against potential future gun owners that may well haunt them.
The latest case fueling that fire is the shooting in Marysville, Washington, which served to give its billionaire-backed gun control ballot initiative a final boost of public support just ahead of the election. A Seattle Times staff editorial argued for gun control initiative 594, and for restriction of gun rights due to “mental illness”:
And the goal posts keep moving down the field…
At the heart of the issues, however, “mental illness” is a very fragile and convoluted designation; whereas the rights of the people should be as firm and solid as rocks and stone.
Yet, the same tactics are underway to strip fundamental rights from military veterans (and likely law enforcement, too) as they deal with issues following their tours of duty and reentry into society. A PTSD diagnosis is becoming a scarlet letter that will brand soldiers as unstable and no longer allowed to own firearms.
In 2012, Sen. Chuck Schumer introduced an amendment to the defense spending bill that would place “the names of veterans deemed too mentally incompetent to handle their finances into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which prohibits them from buying or owning firearms.”
Schumer said, “If you are a veteran or not and you have been judged to be mentally infirm, you should not have a gun.”
Surely, there are plenty of cases of people too disturbed to take responsibility for any part of their life.
But how dangerously close are we to seeing mental health screening used to disenfranchise gun owners? Will diagnosis or self-identification of depression in unrelated records be enough to fail background checks for firearms purchase? Stress? Insomnia, etc.? What about records concerning the use of medical marijuana, alcoholism or prescription drugs?
And what else, based on designations and categories, to preemptively intrude upon our rights?
One last thing: if mental illness is going to be the basis of so much of this, let’s be clear on who is the perpetrator of all this insanity. Are we threatened by the instability of individuals, or of the State:
Obama’s Mental Health Screening in Schools Will ‘Disarm’ Gun Rights: “Databases to Follow Academic Career and Beyond”
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