We all have an unfortunate dysfunction in the brain that makes us hear minority views so much more audible than those of the majority.
After all, what that faint little voice says is more interesting by sheer virtue of being different. Something like that you realize a red rose growing in the lawn, or rather a lonely turd (N. of T.:sorete for Argentine) on a white tile floor. Thus, when 99% of scientists agree that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks, this is a dull background noise.
But when, in 1998, the medical journal The Lancet published a single, solitary study showing a possible link between the MMR vaccine (Measles, mumps and rubella - measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism, caused a panic on a global scale sixteen years later still roaring.
What do you think?
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Saturday, 27 August 2016
Saudi Prince Wants Assad Removed NOW
Saudi Prince Wants Assad Removed NOW

“You can’t simply deal with ISIS and not deal with Assad,” Prince Turki al-Faisal told CBS News on Thursday.
The former ambassador to the United States said “if the need” for US ground troops arises in the effort to depose al-Assad he “hopes the president will change his mind.”
Asked if Saudi Arabia would send ground troops, al-Faisal said no way.
”It would be a mistake for the United States, or Great Britain… to send in ground troops and overthrow the Assad regime,” Obama told the BBC in April.
However, around the time Obama made this remark the United States sent 250 ground troops into Syria—in direct violation of that country’s national sovereignty—under the pretense of fighting the Islamic State.
The Saudis scoffed and said the move was little more than “window dressing.”
Asked about a remark by Iran that Saudi Arabia’s participation in the coalition bombing of Syria is illegal, al-Faisal said Iran’s troops on the ground “killing Syrians” is illegal.
The Saudi prince failed to mention that Russia, Syria, Iran, and Iraq formed a coalition to fight the Islamic State in September 2015. The United States was offered to join the coalition but its response was “unconstructive,” according a statement by Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.
As a former diplomat, al-Faisal is undoubtedly aware of the invitation by Syria, but then we have to keep in mind he was talking to an American television audience that knows virtually nothing about the real situation in Syria.
CBS did not clarify.
That would be a deviation from the script.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Released
Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Released

OURCE: ConspiractTalk.Info
A U.S. judge has ordered that the State Department release a previously unreleased batch of emails between Hillary Clinton and the White House during the week of the Banghazi attack.
The court order comes after the State Department were forced to admit that it has found Benghazi-related documents from among the 14,900 Clinton emails and attachments uncovered by the FBI that Hillary had deleted and withheld from authorities.
Yahoo News reports:
Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has been criticized for using an unauthorized private email system run from a server in the basement of her home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, a decision she says was wrong and that she regrets.
The issue has hung over her campaign for the White House and raised questions among voters about her trustworthiness.
Judge William Dimitrouleas of the U.S. District Court in southern Florida made his order in response to a request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which is suing the State Department for Clinton-era records under freedom of information laws.
Spokesmen for Clinton did not respond to requests for comment.
At least one other judge has said the department will eventually have to release all the newly recovered work emails, and at least some are expected to appear before the Nov. 8 presidential election.
After the system’s existence became more widely known, Clinton returned what she said were all her work emails to the State Department in 2014, and the department released them in batches to the public, some 30,000 in all.
The FBI took her server in 2015 after it was discovered she had sent and received classified government secrets through the system, which the government bans.
Clinton has said she did not know the information was classified at the time.
After a year-long investigation, FBI Director James Comey said last month that Clinton should have recognized the sensitivity of the information and that she had been “extremely careless” with government secrets. But he said there were not enough grounds for a prosecution, a decision criticized by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans.
It remained unclear if there were any newly discovered emails that related to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed.
“Using broad search terms, we have identified a number of documents potentially responsive to a Benghazi-related request,” Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman, said in a statement. “At this time, we have not confirmed that the documents are, in fact, responsive. We also have not determined if they involve Secretary Clinton.”
Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Released
Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Released

OURCE: ConspiractTalk.Info
A U.S. judge has ordered that the State Department release a previously unreleased batch of emails between Hillary Clinton and the White House during the week of the Banghazi attack.
The court order comes after the State Department were forced to admit that it has found Benghazi-related documents from among the 14,900 Clinton emails and attachments uncovered by the FBI that Hillary had deleted and withheld from authorities.
Yahoo News reports:
Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has been criticized for using an unauthorized private email system run from a server in the basement of her home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, a decision she says was wrong and that she regrets.
The issue has hung over her campaign for the White House and raised questions among voters about her trustworthiness.
Judge William Dimitrouleas of the U.S. District Court in southern Florida made his order in response to a request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which is suing the State Department for Clinton-era records under freedom of information laws.
Spokesmen for Clinton did not respond to requests for comment.
At least one other judge has said the department will eventually have to release all the newly recovered work emails, and at least some are expected to appear before the Nov. 8 presidential election.
After the system’s existence became more widely known, Clinton returned what she said were all her work emails to the State Department in 2014, and the department released them in batches to the public, some 30,000 in all.
The FBI took her server in 2015 after it was discovered she had sent and received classified government secrets through the system, which the government bans.
Clinton has said she did not know the information was classified at the time.
After a year-long investigation, FBI Director James Comey said last month that Clinton should have recognized the sensitivity of the information and that she had been “extremely careless” with government secrets. But he said there were not enough grounds for a prosecution, a decision criticized by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans.
It remained unclear if there were any newly discovered emails that related to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed.
“Using broad search terms, we have identified a number of documents potentially responsive to a Benghazi-related request,” Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman, said in a statement. “At this time, we have not confirmed that the documents are, in fact, responsive. We also have not determined if they involve Secretary Clinton.”
SOURCE: ConspiracyTalk.Info

SOURCE: ConspiracyTalk.Info
76-year-old military veteran killed himself outside a Long Island Veteran Affairs facility Sunday after being denied treatment. He was reportedly seeking help for mental health issues at the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center but was turned away, an unfortunately common experience plaguing veterans seeking healthcare in recent years.
According to the New York Times, two people connected to the hospital spoke about the incident on the condition of anonymity. They explained “he had been frustrated that he was unable to see an emergency-room physician for reasons related to his mental health,” the Times reported.
“He went to the E.R. and was denied service,” one anonymous source said. “And then he went to his car and shot himself.”
Peter A. Kaisen of Islip, New York, committed suicide in the parking lot of the Northport facility, where he had been a patient. He was in the parking lot outside Building 92, the facility’s nursing home, when he shot himself.
One of the Times’ anonymous sources questioned why Kaisen had not been referred to Building 64, the mental health center at Northport.
“The staff member said that while there was normally no psychologist at the ready in the E.R., one was always on call, and that the mental health building was open ‘24/7,’” the Times reported.
“The staff member said that while there was normally no psychologist at the ready in the E.R., one was always on call, and that the mental health building was open ‘24/7,’” the Times reported.
“Someone dropped the ball. They should not have turned him away,” the source said.
Christopher Goodman, a spokesman for the hospital, said there “was no indication that he presented to the E.R. prior to the incident,” and the Times was unable to determine whether there was an official record of his visit to the VA on Sunday.
Christopher Goodman, a spokesman for the hospital, said there “was no indication that he presented to the E.R. prior to the incident,” and the Times was unable to determine whether there was an official record of his visit to the VA on Sunday.
The Northport center has faced heightened scrutiny since the Times reported on mismanagement at the facility in 2014, but the problems at Northport are problems of the entire system.
Just last month, an Iowa military veteran suffering from PTSD and substance abuse killed himself after being denied treatment by the VA. He reportedly made an appointment seeking treatment but eventually posted on social media that he was turned away “even though he requested it and explained to a doctor that he felt his safety and health were in jeopardy,”KWQC, a local news outlet reported.
One veteran who drove to a Seattle VA last year with a broken foot was denied assistance walking from his car to the hospital entrance, a distance of a few feet. He was told to call 911, instead. One gun-wielding veteran with PTSD was shot and killed by police in Maricopa County, Arizona, last year after he was turned away from the VA hospital when he sought treatment for a mental health emergency. He had routinely called suicide hotlines for help but never received the full attention he needed.
Veteran suicides in the United States are a chronic problem. Though some argue the relatively recent figure from the VA that 22 veterans kill themselves per day is inflated, veterans still face a suicide risk higher than the rest of the American population. As USA Today has noted:
“In 2014, veterans accounted for 18% of all suicides in the United States, but made up only 8.5% of the population. In 2010, veterans accounted for 22% of U.S. suicides and 9.7% of the population.”
Further, a more recent analysis by the VA found that in 2014, 20 veterans killed themselves per day. Politifact, an independent fact-checker, has confirmed this figure. While rates of veteran suicides appear to be declining, the figures are still troubling.
Further, a more recent analysis by the VA found that in 2014, 20 veterans killed themselves per day. Politifact, an independent fact-checker, has confirmed this figure. While rates of veteran suicides appear to be declining, the figures are still troubling.
Even absent mental health issues like depression and PTSD, veterans are dying waiting for regular health care.A VA whistleblower revealed last year that 238,000 out of 847,000 veterans died after submitting requests for treatment they never received. An audit in 2014 found 57,000 veterans were waiting more than 90 days for an appointment with the VA.
The United States government, politicians, and the media often express compassion and gratitude for veterans.To their credit, some lawmakers recently attempted to allow veterans to use cannabis as an alternative treatment in an amendment to a budget bill — a move Congress ultimately blocked.
But in spite of failed and often unwieldy efforts to reform veterans’ health care, the VA’s systemic failures continue to leave veterans feeling ignored and abandoned by the very institutions that still claim to value them.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Irans Nuclear Ambitions
Irans Nuclear Ambitions
On Iran’s nuclear ambitions, some have suggested an approach which mirrors our policy vis-a-vis N. Korea. In other words, if they really insist on the need for a peaceful nuclear infrastructure, then the world should help them build nuclear power plants which do not produce the kind of nuclear byproduct which can be used to produce nuclear weapons. The trouble is N. Korea and Iran clearly have ambitions of possessing nuclear weapons. In fact, most experts believe Pyongyang already has several such weapons in its inventory. This approach, nonetheless, may be worth pursuing with Iran – if only to call Tehran’s bluff. So far, however, the U.S. and Europeans continue to pursue this issue in the UN context.
In this regard, many experts believe this close collaboration to steer Iran away from its nuclear weapons program may pay off. The following Feb. 24, 2004 article from the International Herald Tribune lays out this argument well and succinctly:
Early next month, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of directors will once again meet to consider how to respond to new evidence that Iran has continued to hide significant elements of its nuclear program. Although the board may agree to refer the issue to the UN Security Council, the United States and Europe still differ on how best to respond to Tehran’s continuing violation of its nonproliferation obligations.
The trans-Atlantic partners urgently need to coalesce around a long-term strategy for confronting Iran. Such agreement is needed to effectively deter Iranian violations and to keep the prospect of a diplomatic resolution open.
It is needed for a second reason too: This dispute has all the makings of repeating the disastrous fissures that developed over Iraq, except this time Britain appears to be siding with its European partners against the United States. That would be tragic for many reasons, not least because in this particular case there is absolutely no difference between the two sides on the ultimate objective.
Everyone, Europe and the United States as well as Australia, Canada, Japan and even Russia, knows that the consequences of Iran becoming a nuclear power are exceedingly grave.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
The Summer House of Bernie Sanders
The Summer House of Bernie Sanders

Everyone should have a summer home. In fact everyone should have a $600,000 summer home on Lake Champlain. Anything else would be unfair.
(From The Independent Journal)The Burlington resident last week plopped down nearly $600,000 on a camp in North Hero.Sanders’ new waterfront crib has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront on the east side of the island — facing Vermont, not New York. The Bern will keep his home in Burlington and use the new camp seasonally.
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Government Social Security Scam Exposed
Government Social Security Scam Exposed
Last month the Board of Trustees for Social Security wrote in its annual report on the program that the major parts of the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world have run out of money and the rest of Social Security will be completely broke in a few years.
The truth about Social Security and a new government retirement scam
Source: Personal Liberty

The state propaganda ministry dutifully reported these findings, with CNNMoneyclaiming that, “If lawmakers don’t act, Social Security’s trust fund will be tapped out in about 18 years.”
That doesn’t mean retirees will get nothing by 2034, the writer tells us. It just means that at that point the program will only have enough revenue coming in to pay 79 percent of the promised benefits. So if you are expecting to receive $2,000 per month from Social Security, you will only receive $1,580.
READ FULL STORY HERE : Conspiracy Talk
Connection Between U.S. MILITARY And ZIKA MOSQUITO
Connection Between U.S. MILITARY And ZIKA MOSQUITO

Image: BBC.Com
After months of anticipation, the Zika virus has finally arrived to the continental U.S., with 15 non-travel cases being reported in Florida as of August 2. The virus is carried primarily by a species of mosquito called Aedes aegypti.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued its first-ever warning for within the U.S., urging pregnant women to avoid travel to a Miami neighborhood where the Zika investigation is centered.
CDC and the Florida Health Department recommended an aerial spraying program to cover a 10-square-mile area just north of downtown Miami. The state is spraying a chemical called Naled, which is an organophospate pesticide that causes severe skin and eye irritation; it also contains an inert ingredient called napthaline which is classified by the EPA as a “possible human carcinogen.”
When this chemical was recommended to be sprayed in Puerto Rico, protests erupted from residents concerned about their health and the environmental impacts. Organophosphate pesticides also devastate bee populations and other beneficial insects, which affects agriculture as well as ecosystem health.
Governments are often quick to pour chemicals into the environment as a first reaction, as it gives the appearance of “doing something” and enriches chemical companies who contribute to political campaigns. So, with 15 cases of Zika and sustained media fear-mongering, the first government-sponsored spraying program has begun in Florida.
According to the CDC, for most people the Zika virus causes mild symptoms of fever, rash, joint pain, red eyes, muscle pain and headache that last up to a week. Many patients don’t even know they have it, as it is like symptoms of other common sicknesses. Hospital visits are rare, and death very rare.
The bigger fear is the purported link between Zika virus in pregnant women and microcephaly in the baby. However, as we reported on July 2, the only country experiencing an abnormally high rate of microcephaly is Brazil, where doctors insist that a larvacide called pyriproxyfen could be a factor in microcephaly.
Colombia is also experiencing a Zika virus outbreak, but there is no connection between Zika virus and microcephaly in that country.
“Of the nearly 12,000 pregnant women with clinical symptoms of Zika infections until March 28, no cases of microcephaly were reported as of May 2.”
Five new cases of microcephaly with Zika infections were found prior to June 18 in Colombia; however, this is still consistent with the random co-occurrence of each of the separate conditions.
Back in Brazil, the expected “explosion” of cases where brain defects are linked to Zika virus has not occurred. Defying predictions. most of the cases have remained clustered in the northeast region, which has caused Brazil to open a probe into the possibility of co-factors such as other viruses or environmental factors.
The story of Zika-carrying mosquitoes gets even more interesting when we delve into history. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the U.S. military is involved.
An investigation by Sarah Laskow at Atlas Obscura found that in the 1950s, the U.S. was seeking to weaponize theAedes aegypti mosquito while Brazil and other Latin American countries were trying to eradicate it.
“At Fort Detrick, the military’s biological weapons base in Maryland, in great secret, Army scientists were considering how fleas, grasshoppers, and mosquitoes might be deployed against the Communist threat. These insects were harder to protect against than gas— masks wouldn’t help. The threat they posed would last, as long as a population of insects remained alive. Plus, it would be very difficult to pin an insect-borne attack on the U.S.Among these possible insect soldiers, A. aegypti was “the golden child,” writes Jeffrey A. Lockwood, in Six-Legged Soldiers, because the disease it carried, yellow fever was so terrible. The Army Chemical Corps, in a 1959 report, notes that yellow fever is “highly dangerous” and that “since 1900, one-third of patients have died.” There were parts of the Soviet Union that had never been exposed to the disease, which made them vulnerable, but which had the right climate to support mosquitoes. The Chemical Corps started to experiment with how a brigade of A. aegypti might be deployed and what sort of damage they might do.”
Concerted efforts began around 1900 to tackle the deadly problem of yellow fever, which was afflicting American troops carrying out imperialistic adventures in the Caribbean. After discovering that the mosquito caused yellow fever, Americans led a successful eradication program in Cuba.
American scientists took their methods to Brazil, where Fred Soper – with the help of the authoritarian Brazilian regime – implemented a strict A. aegypti eradication program that succeeded in eight cities in northern Brazil.
“In 1947, the year Zika was discovered, he had convinced enough people that eradication was possible that a consortium of American countries endorsed a plan to rid the entire hemisphere of the mosquito.Most of the countries succeeded. By 1962, there were no A. aegypti to be found in 18 continental countries and a number of Caribbean islands. Only a few hold outs had failed to start programs to destroy these mosquitos. The one that made Soper the most frustrated was his own.”
When the U.S. Public Health Service finally began A. aegypti eradication efforts in the Southeast to combat yellow fever, the military was simultaneously studying their use as biological weapons against Communist countries.
As part of this research, Army scientists had to see how quickly A. aegyptipopulations spread through populations, so they released hordes of mosquitoes (uninfected by yellow fever) in American cities like Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida.
“They would load hundreds of thousands of mosquitos into planes and, later, helicopters, then drop them over the field and see how far they could spread.The mosquitoes apparently performed well enough: By 1960, the Chemical Corps was producing 500,000 A. aegypti every month, rearing them on sugar water and blood and letting them lay their eggs on paper towels. Scientists had found they could infect a new generation of mosquitoes with yellow fever by mixing the virus in the solution in which the mosquito eggs grew. Hundreds of thousands of mosquitoes were not enough to start a real epidemic, though. The corps proposed constructing a facility in Arkansas that could produce 100 million A. aegypti mosquitoes each week.”
In the same years, federal government was attempting to eradicate A. aegypti, the military was releasing countless numbers of the mosquitoes into the environment.
Yellow fever was not so much of a problem in the U.S. as it was in tropical regions, and the same authoritarian methods employed in places like Brazil could not be applied in the U.S. Funding and enthusiasm was also a problem, and it was becoming realized that true eradication was a pipe dream.
After being beaten back for a few decades, A. aegypti has now invaded more territory than it ever inhabited before. And scientists now say the species may be “more sophisticated, individually complex, and formidable than anyone imagined.”
Of course, we can’t blame the American military for the spread of the mosquito species largely responsible for the Zika virus and yellow fever, but the secret history tells us much about how these sorts of things are viewed by government.
Even as the world was battling against infectious disease, the military saw an opportunity to find more effective ways at killing people. And it used its own citizens as unknowing subjects for research.
American Drone Policy Explained
American Drone Policy Explained
The Obama administration has released a previously secret 18-page policy guidance document [President Policy Guidance, or PPG] that lays out how potential drone targets may be chosen and approved and the President’s role in the decision-making process…If the target is a US citizen or someone living in the US, or if there is not unanimous agreement among the President’s key national security officials regarding the nomination of the target, it will be submitted to the President for a decision. However, the head of the nominating agency themselves can approve lethal action against a proposed individual if all of the major national security officials unanimously agree it should be undertaken, but the President has to be apprised of the decision.
Friday, 5 August 2016
CIA used mind-control experiments to create trained killers
CIA used mind-control experiments to create trained killers
SOURCE: Conspiracy Talk
hocking documents obtained exclusively by RadarOnline.com reveal the CIA used mind-control experiments to create trained killers in real-life scenarios frighteningly similar to the plots powering Jason Bourne movies!
A top-secret project, launched in 1953, was known as MKUltra and involved 149 experiments.
One involved administering LSD to a mental patient every day for 179 days straight. Others involved trying to program assassins and use mind control on foreign leaders.
As Jason Bourne, Matt Damon plays a secret agent who’s lost his identity after being subjected to mind-control experiments by the CIA.
While the agency tried to destroy some of its sinister ’50s studies, many experiments later came to light.
In one, a hypnotized woman was ordered to “fly into a rage and shoot” another hypnotized woman if she did not wake up.
Unable to rouse her slumbering partner, she grabbed an unloaded pistol and carried out her orders — and went to sleep.
When both women woke up, neither recalled a thing!
Anti-Semitic Rants and 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Anti-Semitic Rants and 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Source: Conspiracy Talk
The controversial professor at ultra-liberal Oberlin College who sparked a national outcry after posting anti-Semitic rants and 9/11 conspiracy theories has been booted from the classroom, the school said Wednesday.
Joy Karega, an associate professor of rhetoric and composition, was put on paid leave while prestigious Oberlin College considers her future, according to a statement from university president Martin Krislov obtained by The Post.
School administrators had reluctantly backed Karega, citing academic freedom concerns, when her conspiratorial,anti-Semitic social media rants were first reported.
“I am committed to continuing and completing an equitable review process,” Krislov wrote in an email to students, staff and alumni.
“While the process is pending, Professor Karega is on paid leave and will not be teaching at Oberlin. Arrangements are being made to cover her teaching and advising responsibilities.”
“In recognition of the sensitivity of this continuing review process and the privacy of the individuals involved, we will have no other comment until the conclusion of the process,” Krislov said.
Karega has made a string of weird claims on her social media, such as:
- Last year, she posted a video of Louis Farrakhan explaining how Israeli forces rigged the Twin Towers with explosives which really brought down buildings. Karega wrote: “Farrakhan is truth-telling in this video.”
- ISIS is a CIA and Mossad creation so “Israeli and Zionists Jews” could carry out new 9/11-style attacks.
- Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Karega said the killings were secretly planned by Jews as punishment against France for being too supportive of Palestinians. “This ain’t even hard. They unleashed Mossad in France and it’s clear why.”
Thursday, 4 August 2016
MIAMI: AERIAL ORGANOPHOSPHATE SPRAYING Image: appliedmythology.blogspot.com SOURCE: CRYPTOGON In Miami? Run. Also, if anyone knows the name of the firm that’s…
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Gulf of Tonkin Conspiracy
Although the term 'conspiracy theory' has become a pejorative used against anyone who questions the official version of events, there are countless examples in history of hypotheses that proved to be true.
After decades of stubborn denial, in August 2013 the CIA finally admitted his role in the coup in Iran that led to the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 under the umbrella of Operation AJAX.
As part of this operation, the CIA covert operations involving organized acts of false flag terrorism that killed about 300 people.

Gulf of Tonkin
On August 4, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson went on national television to announce to the nation that North Vietnamese forces had launched two attacks on US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. North Vietnam had attacked American ships.
After decades of stubborn denial, in August 2013 the CIA finally admitted his role in the coup in Iran that led to the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 under the umbrella of Operation AJAX.
As part of this operation, the CIA covert operations involving organized acts of false flag terrorism that killed about 300 people.

Gulf of Tonkin
On August 4, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson went on national television to announce to the nation that North Vietnamese forces had launched two attacks on US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. North Vietnam had attacked American ships.

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