Monday, 29 February 2016
Is Hillary Clinton Bought and Paid for by BIG Oil?
If the FBI can prove that Hillary took actions as SOS in exchange for "donations," or that Huma Abedin was funneling classified or unclassified data from the US State Dept to the Foundation on behalf of Hillary, then you have a case for treason.
How can she say that she is a Progressive Democratic candidate that will reform the big business economy while taking donations like that?
That's like saying I'm going to ban chocolate production while being an advertiser FOR chocolate.
I don't hate Hillary, but I'm not thrilled with her as a front-runner. I'm fine with her policies, but she's so damn hated by the right that I honestly believe Sanders would be able to make more compromise than she could. On top of that the e-mail thing is actually an issue and it kinda sickens me that she'd our presumptive nominee has stupidly exposed herself in this way.
She doesn't get big money from independent investors or even innovative institutional investors. She is taking big money from entrenched competition in a market teetering on oligarchy. Nothing they have instructed her to do will benefit every day Americans, even those that thing of themselves as in the investor class.
People spend millions on lobbying because they get 1000% return on all the money put in. Similarly:
Do you think people in Wall Street would collectively spend 40 million on a candidate if they didn't think they wouldn't get at least what they invested back? People like that tend to put a lot of thought into their investments. A puppet to wall street? No, but they do intend to at least sway her. At this stage in the game they know very well what kind of return they are likely to get because they've been doing it for many decades.
I think while she may have ties to Wall Street, her family foundation is not a political organization (or at least, it reports not to be). It's a charity with its own focuses.
While people may be skeptical of this, I will point out that the Clinton family is very rich and has a charity just like many other rich families. And Wall Street gives massive amounts of money to many similar organizations.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Monday, 15 February 2016
The Rhetoric Of The Republican Campaign Gets Tougher
In 2011, the Republican vice presidential candidate US, Sarah Palin, raised eyebrows by using an acronym out of _WTF_ tone to criticize the policies of President Barack Obama.

In recent days, Trump calling coward, against rival Ted Cruz and directed a tirade of comments contempt for other candidates, who he branded pathetic liars, losers, vile and evil, among others stuff.
Although Trump began an exchanged of darts in aggressive debate Saturday night.
Cruz said that Trump is "raving", criticized his "tantrums" in a pun on the name of the magnate and detracted from the insults of the entrepreneur dubbing them "hysterical".
Before leaving the campaign, the governor of New Jersey Chris Christie predicted that Hillary Clinton could win a debate, He attacked the Republican Marco Rubio to describe him as a fragile "bubble boy".
Even Jeb Bush, from his mother whos 90 years old complained recently that he is too polite.
Bush, a favorite target of attacks from Trump replied to him in a tweet: "Not only are you a loser, you're a liar and a complainer." And that after weeks of calling him an "idiot".
They have intended to keep the insults and curses away from the microphones.
Now they are on the podium, and its deliberately.
"There is a general breakdown of taboos allowed to pass more and more quickly," said Robert Lane Green, author of "You Are What You Speak", a book about the politics of language. "The first time someone does, people are surprised and concerned, but when it happens more often then it becomes less shocking."
The race for the Democratic nomination has been lukewarm compared to the Republican.
Hillary Clinton complained about a "low blow" when Bernie Sanders accused her of being progressive only "a few days". Sanders, however, rejected the accusation that the Clinton campaign has launched an "elaborate smear" by suggesting that she was close to Wall Street.
As for the Republicans, Trump voters who despise everything about the ruling class, including the idea of seeming "presidential," said Norman Ornstein, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and has spent decades following the American presidential politics.
Trump's opponents can counter with traditional tactics. "Its like being a boxer playing with the rules of the Marchioness of Queensberry, and faces a type of MMA that even playing with the rules of mixed martial arts, would stoop to that level?" He asked Ornstein. "There is no simple answer, because if one tries to show that he is different from the ordinary type, then he will take a beating."
Green sees the hardness of the Republican campaign as a demonstration that "the fight to become the alpha male in the room has become more obvious this time than in previous elections."
Seems like the voters who have put forward Trump in the polls and gave him the victory in the first primary by direct vote of the country, New Hampshire.
Around a quarter of Republican voters in New Hampshire said the most important thing when choosing a candidate was "telling it like it is", and two thirds of those voters chose the man that says lit like no other.
Trump has promised to lower the tone if closer to the presidency, noting, "when one is president, or whether it will become president, behaves differently."
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania and an expert in political communication, said Trump has "hijacked" political correctness to justify usual personal attacks.
All part of a larger trend toward informality in politics that takes more than a century under way, Greene said.
Many Americans are attracted to Trump, because he speaks as "the guy sitting next to them at the bar."
"Some people find the type repulsive, but many Americans are just like that and love it."
United Satanists of America - away from Christianity!
President Barack Hussein Obama declared: "We are no longer a Christian nation", in another speech, President Obama said that given the number of American Muslims, America is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.
Obama reveals what was known a long time, namely, that America was never a Christian but was and is a country imbued with the spirit of the Talmud and the Zionist design for introducing the New World Order or global state of the Antichrist.
Which Obama is no longer hiding.
In theory, a resisting arrest charge allows the state to further punish suspects who endanger the safety of police officers as they're being apprehended; in practice, it gives tautological justification to cops who enjoy roughing people up. Why did you use force against that suspect, officer? Because she was resisting arrest. How do I know you're telling the truth? Because I charged her with it, sir.Consider a few recent would-be felons:* Chaumtoli Huq, former general counsel to NYC Public Advocate Letitia James, who was charged with resisting arrest for waiting for her family outside the Times Square Ruby Tuesday's.*Jahmil-El Cuffee, who was charged with resisting arrest after he found himself on the receiving end of a head-stomp from a barbarous cop because he was allegedly rolling a joint. ("Stop resisting!" cops screamed at him as he lay helpless, pinned under a pile of officers.)*Denise Stewart, who was charged with resisting arrest after a gang of New York's Finest threw her half-naked from her own apartment into the lobby of her building. (They had the wrong apartment, it turned out.)*Santiago Hernandez, who was charged with resisting arrest after a group of cops beat the shit out of him following a stop-and-frisk. "One kicks me, he steps back. Another one comes to punch me and he steps back...They were taking turns on me like a gang," Hernandez told reporters.
*Eric Garner, who no doubt would have been charged with resisting had the chokehold from Daniel Pantaleo not ended his life first.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
United Satanists of America - epidemic of suicides in the US
According to the CDC, the United States observed in recent years, a surge in the number of suicides.
Did you know that now more Americans die from suicide than are killed in the course of the year - in car accidents?
Today, indicative 9.3 million Americans profess to having suicidal thoughts and 2.7 million Americans each year plan to commit suicide.
We are a deeply, deeply unhappy country, but of course, this phenomenon is not limited to America.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), suicide - it is now the third turn, the highest cause of death in the world. Globally, the number of suicides increased by 60 percent over the past 45 years, and WHO predicts that by 2020, every 20 seconds someone in the world will commit suicide.
In Guardian'ie I came across an article entitled .: "Depression, financial dependence and the increase of suicides in " white America. " Article took a look at the extremely alarming growth among Americans approaching retirement age and experiencing significant physical pain. In Amazement, for example, I learned that in the State of Montana, issued 82 prescriptions for painkillers - for every 100 people. In desperation to be free from suffering, many Americans in the aforesaid age group, are considering suicide. 56 year old Kevin Lowney, is one example ...
Kevin Lowney, lies awake at night, wondering if he should kill himself.
"Every night I experience such pain that suicide comes to mind - just to ease the pain. What stops him, a sense of responsibility, especially - to the youngest daughter, "admits Kevin.
56 year old ex with chronic pain, associated with a substantial number of other problems - medical debt, impoverishment and the bleak prospects for retirement.
They contribute to the growing number of suicides in the US, increased mortality of white Americans, middle-aged, as well as premature deaths due to alcohol and drugs.
This is not only an American problem. In the United Kingdom, some studies have shown that the number of suicides of men in the age group 45-49 years increased by 40 percent in seven years ...
The number of middle-aged men, who made an attempt to take there own life, has increased dramatically during the past decade. The new research, published today by the Commission Equality and Human Rights - has revealed that the last seven years has brought 40 percent increase in the number of suicides of men aged 45-49.
Young people - also kill themselves more often.
According to a report by Fox News, the number of suicides Americans in the age category 10-24 years, "increases each year" ...
These deaths like other recent death -which highlighted national headlines-from Westport, Connecticut - Omaha, Nebraska, is part of a continuous growth among young people aged 10-24 years, since 2007.
"We are seeing a significant increase in suicides in the above-mentioned age categories," said - Dr. Thomas Simon, an expert Centers for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention of Suicide. "Since 2007, we observed in this age group - an increase each year."
What causes this phenomenon?
Without a doubt, the collapse of our economy plays a role. The middle class is shrinking and many Americans falls from it each month. Many Americans approaching retirement age do not see a meaningful future, and therefore subjected to complete depression and despair.
I do not think, however, that it explains everything. I think there's another factor - namely, that our society "itself destroys the" pharmacological agents.
Rather than address the real causes, many expect troubleshooting with magical government intervention. It should be noted a new proposal for the mandatory preventive diagnostics against depression, against what many warn as likely to bring very serious consequences. The following excerpt from the current text Ron Paul ...
Specially appointed for this purpose Preventive Services Task Force of the United States, recently he recommended preventive diagnostics to all Americans.
That team is going to force health insurance companies to cover the costs of such research. Even elementary knowledge of economics, just as catastrophic program Obamacare demonstrate its harm to Americans.
If you know someone with depression, contemplate suicide, it is advisable to look for flowing signals as:
feelings of hopelessness or desperation,
social isolation,
the feeling of being a burden,
Life - is more than the number of things in our possession, or the amount of our bank deposits.
Many of the people considering suicide could have a future much brighter, if they were not focused on the wrong purposes.
So what do you think causes the astounding growth of suicides, both here in the US and globally?
Please feel free to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below ...
Vatican suspects that the pope was the victim of an internal conspiracy
On Wednesday, a little-known Italian daily "Quotidiano Nazionale" on the first page said that Pope Francis is suffering from brain cancer. Vatican spokesman immediately denied the reports in.
Behind the scenes of a serious crisis
The Vatican is going through a serious crisis, which is trying to fight Francis. But the pope, in a way, is a prisoner of the Roman Curia, and many decisions falls behind the scenes; divisions within are deep - says John Thavis, a former Vatican correspondent
One gets the impression that machiaweliczne intrigue and manipulation reached new heights.
The cardinals and other church hierarchs suspect that the publication of completely unfounded rumors about the cancer was an attempt to discredit the 78-year-old pope and his decisions. It is widely known that the Pope has many enemies among conservative Vatican officials.
Suspicion raises especially the fact that the leak occurred a few days before the end of the Synod of Bishops on the family. During the three-week session attended by 270 bishops and cardinals from around the world discussed many sensitive topics, among others, a proposal giving communion to those divorced, which re-established the family or the position of the Church against homosexual relationships.
Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano" sharply criticized the reports of cancer, calling them baseless lie. "Even the choice of the publication indicates that this is an attempt of manipulation," said the newspaper.
Nervous atmosphere
- For me it is obvious that some people do not like the Pope - says a member of the synod, Cardinal Walter Kasper, the liberal Cardinal from Germany, who agrees with the views of Francis. - You may have tried in this way to influence us.
In the Italian press speculating about the "shadow conspiracy." Newspapers speculate that the rumor released by conservative Vatican officials, who did not relish the reform of the pope and his tolerant attitude towards homosexuality, according to the doctrine the church is considered to be an aberration.
"Who wants the pope's death?" wonders in the header of "Il Giornale", the conservative daily, warning that the Church "plunged into chaos."
Journalist and author of books on the Vatican, Massimo Franco, believes that whoever planted the rumor in newspaper "Quotidiano Nazionale", he did it to undermine the credibility of the Pope. "This ugly rumor looks at the work of enemies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (as the pope called before assuming authority over the Catholic Church in 2013), who want to imply that they have an eye on him," he writes in his column in the "Corriere della Sera ".
The hidden goal could be reason to doubt the efficiency of the papal mind and suggest that his actions and words to the effect of "improper functioning of the brain," says Franco.
This "subliminal and disturbing" message, planted by the enemies of the Pope, in line with thickening the atmosphere of rebellion from conservative defenders of the Catholic tradition, who have criticized Francis too tolerant liberal views and decisions.
Outraged defenders of tradition
Still unclear who is behind the leak of the supposed disease of the Pope. Most Vatican watchers believe that it's likely the conservative members of the Synod.
Defenders of the tradition especially indignant appeal of the Pope for greater compassion for Catholics who have divorced and then founded a new family, without first obtaining the annulment of the marriage. Today, such people can not accede to Holy Communion, because in the eyes of the Church they are living in adultery.
Victor Manuel Fernandez, Bishop of homeland Francis, Argentina, compared the spreading of rumors to the "strategy of the apocalypse." In his opinion, it was an attempt "to discredit the one who is in power." - It's slander, spread completely false rumors about him. Speaking of someone in this way proves one thing: the intention is to destabilize his position.
According to information published by the "Quotidiano Nazionale", the Pope met secretly at the Vatican with the Japanese surgeon who diagnosed him with cancer, he believes is curable and does not require surgery.
The Vatican immediately issued three statements categorically denying reports that a Japanese expert, Dr. Takanori Fukushima, said that he never investigated the pope and gave him medical consultations.
Ks. Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said that the information published by the newspaper are "completely unfounded" and their dissemination "is irresponsible and unworthy of attention." "The Pope is active and as always performs his daily duties" - assured the spokesman.
"Quotidiano Nazionale", however, maintains its own version. Andrea Cangini, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, there is no doubt as to the reliability of the information and stresses that its journalists spent several months checking the reliability of the sources.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Early to bed — Early to Rise. Work Like Hell and Advertise
The title above was his advice to an 8th grader who asked for some tips on business. While his answer brought down the house, I was struck more by his opening comments.
Before taking questions, he spoke for about 15 minutes about the three words/beliefs he lives by — honor, courage, and humility. But rather than pontificating, he quoted Shakespeare, at length, to explain what he meant by each of these principles.
While what he said appeared to go over the heads of his teenage audience, it made a considerable impression on me and, I suspect, the other adults in the room. Much of today’s society seems to ignore literature and lionize business acumen, yet here was one of richest men in the worldbuttressing his points with the classics he had memorized in high school 50 years earlier.
I often reflect on how much the emerging generations are missing because our societal shift in from education to vocation. Sure we’re producing a record number of graduates who can balance a spreadsheet or develop a business plan. But do they understand the difference between a symphony and sonata or a poem and a sonnet? I have had the opportunity to visit with hundreds of senior executives during the past two decades.
It is rare that our conversations focus on business. Most of the time, they want to discuss travel, culture, social issues or the best book we’ve each read recently. As anyone who studies leaders will tell you, the higher one rises within an organization, the less he or she uses the technical skills learned in school and the more relationships dominate everyday agendas.
These relationships are what drive the big sales contracts and expansion within any firm and those relationships revolve around the fabric of society, not its technical attributes.
With this shift in focus from a liberal arts education to vocational training for most of those currently enrolled in college, I have to wonder what the emerging generations discuss in 20 years over cocktails?
But the Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, staged their own intervention, saying they were committed to sending ground troops to the country. Their favoured rebel groups have been pulverised by Russian air raids and driven back on the ground by Iranian-supplied pro-regime troops.
While they fight for market share in China, the Saudis also have to fight for market share in the established, slow-growing or stagnant IEA-member markets (generally OECD member countries). Saudi exports to these markets declined 310,000 barrels per day between 2012 and 2014, and 490,000 barrels per day between 2012 and 2015’s first three quarters. Only in Asia Oceania did Saudi export volumes through 2015’s first three quarters manage to equal 2012’s export volumes. During the same period, Iraq managed to increase its exports to Europe 340,000 barrels per day (data from IEA monthly Oil Market Report).
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Under the direction of Benjamin Strong Jr., employed the guards 7 and 85 employees, obtained mainly from local banks. On the first day, the bank received $ 100 million. Benjamin Strong served as director until his death in 1928.
Over the years, the Bank dynamically developed employing a growing number of employees. In the mid-20s based bank moved to Wall Street, where it stands to this day. 25 meters beneath the streets of Manhattan built the treasury. In 1927. In bank safes were as many as 10% of the world of money invested in gold.
In 2003. In one day the bank carried out operations amounting to the sum of 1.8 trillion dollars, an amount which is almost four times greater than the GDP Polish.
The current bank director William C. Dudley, who performs this function since 2009.
The largest repository of gold in the world
In the underground bank vault is now about 7 000 tons of pure gold at about 540 thousand. bars, with a market value of $ 346 billion (approx. 1.18 billion PLN) (December 2011), making it the largest such repository in the world, larger even than Fort Knox. Almost 95% of the gold is owned by many different countries, central banks and organizations such as the IMF, the rest belongs to the United States.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York is only the guardian, and only charged a fee for the transfer of gold in another place - $ 1.75 for the nugget. Treasury is open to the public for visitors.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Life is About Evolution
If you truly want to transition or transform from someone who moves through life unconsciously to a person who becomes the wealthy individual who's completely aware of and completely at ease with all things around him or her then you must embrace change. It doesn't matter at all where you are from or what you've done in the past, you're never trapped in any circumstance, relationship, cycle, or situation unless you say and/or believe you are. It's always better to take each and everyday and treat it just as it is; a new day with new opportunities to do what's right.
If you're at a point in your life where you realize you're going in the wrong direction which means you're producing the wrong results then simply in most cases do the opposite of what you're doing right now. Trust me this will make a world of difference and you'll almost see small and/or big result quickly. I know this is easier said then done but when you add courage and persistent practice to your constant thought pattern that's saying "it's time to make the necessary changes" then I'm absolutely sure you'll make great progress in living a more happy and fulfilled life.
Honest Truth About Internet Marketing
The quick and dirty answer is that yes, you are able to make Internet Marketing your long term and sustainable career. You only need to take on the project properly. The procedures and programs you use to build something to earn fast money are not all that different than the methods and systems you will use to build long term profits. So what would you do if you need to develop a sustainable career on the internet?
It is very important that the first thing you do, in order to earn long term money online, is accept the fact that you are going to have to do real work. You will have to do actual and real work on a daily basis and you will have days when you feel fantastic about what you do and days when you wish you could find something else to take on. This causes it to be just about like every other occupation that is out there. If you want to produce lasting cash flow by working lots right now and not at all later on then you are going to be in for a rude awakening in a little while. So be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
There are a few ventures that lend themselves much better to a long term career than others will. Affiliate marketing, to use one example, is a great task for someone who wants to earn money on a part time basis or to supplement your already existent income. Is it truly possible to earn a full time income in this manner? You could if you pick out only the right products and then work like crazy to promote them. A far better approach, nevertheless, is to create your own products or websites and then promote those. This gives you full control over the projects you take on and how you accomplish them. And you will end up more likely to stick with it in the long run. If you want to give a service on the web this works much the same way. Writers, for example, need to create websites for themselves and create portfolios that they can point to as examples of their work.
Finally, perhaps the most significant thing that you need to recognize is that, when you want to build a long term and reliable income on the internet, you need to truly dedicate yourself to your task. You might have fun and feel rewarded by your efforts but first you should tell yourself "yes, I really want to do this." Making a half hearted effort is not about to get you anywhere.
Nokia Accessories Review
Nokia accessories are created to make sure that clients make use of every function of the mobile phone to the fullest. These kinds of accessories have true benefits and in addition it enables you to make use of the mobile phone efficiently. You will find number of accessories made with attractive hues, designs and styles in the mobile mart. Almost you will find volume of accessories for every mobile phone.
You can buy Nokia accessories in addition to personalize mobile phone within your preferred method. The particular requirement with regard to advanced mobile phone accessories is really developing day-by-day simply because users are usually realizing the importance of these mobile phone accessories.
Nokia accessories could be availed by either by online portals or even by visiting mobile stores. Budget-concerned individuals can opt for cheap Nokia accessories and could carry out their own requirement. From the mobile phone accessories, the most important accessory is mobile phone cases. Mobile phone cases are constructed with top quality materials for example leather, rubber and so forth.
Leather mobile covers safeguard mobile phone against any type of damage, grime, water as well as from any sudden impacts. You can select mobile phone cases that better suits your need and budget as well.
USB data cable and memory cards are also helpful accessories as with the help of USB data cable you can transfer information from mobile phone to PC and vice versa. With the help of Bluetooth, you can exchange information with other compatible devices. Another essential accessory is the screen protector. With the help of this accessory, you can protect the sensitive screen of the mobile phone against any type of damage.
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Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Can Dogs Eat Bread?
in calories, and excess calorie intake for dogs could lead to healthy problems, such as weight gain. Furthermore, most commercial breads made in bakery or super market contain lost of added sugar, it is very harmful for your dog’s health, and can easily make you dog sick.
Bread benefits for dogs
Allergic reaction to bread
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Tuesday, 2 February 2016
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Monday, 1 February 2016
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