They call themselves Islamic State (IS). They pretend to be a new caliphate.
But their behavior is radically un-Islamic… even satanic. And their so-called caliphate is actually a false-flag operation against Islam.
A better acronym would be US (Unislamic State). The initials are apt, since Unislamic State is the creation of the US and its regional allies. Their mission is to smear Islam, spread sectarian strife, destabilize the Middle East, and provide an excuse for endless US intervention in the Islamic world.
Former al-Qaeda commander Nabil Na’eem has exposed Unislamic State as a creation of the US and its Persian Gulf puppets. The intellectual authors of this Fourth Generation Warfare operation are neoconservative Zionists and New World Order satanists. The victims are the people of the Middle East… and the American people, who have been bled dry by the 9/11 wars.
Na’eem has explained that the camps in Jordan where Unislamic State was created, armed, and trained were “supervised by US Marines.” He adds that the group’s funding is “all-American” and that more than one thousand of its terrorists are being treated in hospitals in Tel Aviv.
Unislamic State sponsors sham marriages to disguise liaisons with prostitutes. They rape and murder people purely on the basis of religious belief. They are committing genocide against religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, just as the Zionists are committing genocide in Palestine. They are doing everything possible to make Islam look bad.
This has nothing to do with Islam. It has everything to do with the false-flag-based, 9/11-triggered New World Order war on Islam.
The grotesquely un-Islamic nature of Unislamic State is on display for all the world to see. These people post “selfie” videos cannibalizing the inner organs of battlefield corpses. This is the tradition of Hind – one of the worst-ever enemies of Islam – not the tradition of Islam, which insists on chivalrous battlefield behavior more fervently than any other group in history ever has. (The whole conception of chivalry, or futuwwa, is an Islamic invention that came to the West through al-Andalus, otherwise known as Islamic Spain.)
The terrorists’ most recent youtube outrage: A video showing Unislamic State terrorists slaughtering Kurdish members of the Yazidi faith. The helpless Yazidi civilians are tied up, blindfolded, forced to kneel… and then their throats are cut as the satanic terrorists chant “Allah, accept our (human) sacrifice.”
This behavior is not just un-Islamic. It is satanic.
The word for sacrificial animal in Islam is qurban. Every year during Eid al-Adha, the biggest Islamic holiday, Muslims sacrifice a sheep to commemorate God’s staying the hand of Abraham, who had prepared to sacrifice his son. The Eid holiday celebrates this event, which decisively put an end to human sacrifice for the whole monotheistic tradition of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Calling a human being a qurban, and then cutting his throat, is the most insanely sacrilegious practice anyone could imagine. Any Muslim with a first-grade religious education knows that a person who does such a thing must be a satanist, not a Muslim.
The chief hallmark of satanism is its refusal of monotheism’s decisive rejection of human sacrifice. Whereas the biggest holiday for Christians is Christmas, which celebrates the end of human sacrifice through the birth of the Messiah – and the biggest holiday for Muslims is Eid, which celebrates the abolition of human sacrifice through the story of Abraham and his son – satanists use an assortment of pagan holidays as excuses to sacrifice innocent people, mostly children, at their blood-soaked altars.
When someone claiming to be Muslim conducts a ritual sacrifice of a human qurban, as the Unislamic State terrorists do, they are performing a satanic parody of the Muslim Eid ritual. Such parodies are another hallmark of satanism. Throughout the history of Christendom, satanists have held “black masses” in which the Catholic mass is parodied and victims are sacrificed… just as the Muslim Eid sacrifice is parodied by the Unislamic State terrorists’ slaughter of innocents.
How did this group of satanists posing as “radical Muslims” appear on the scene? Understanding the background of Unislamic State requires a background briefing on the Fourth Generation Warfare techniques of the satanic New World Order elite.
The Western ruling elite is infested with satanists, who are a prime force behind the “war on terror,” which is actually a war on Islam and a war on God. Whistleblower Kay Griggs, the former wife of a US military officer, has documented the satanists’ penetration of the highest levels of the US military. Griggs says her husband forced her to participate in the most disgusting satanic rituals imaginable. She explains that these satanic practices are commonplace among top US military commanders.
One of the main strategists of the Fourth Generation Warfare operation known as the “War on Terror” is Col. Michael Aquino, the former head of all US military psychological warfare operations. Before being promoted to the post of Psy-Ops Chief, Aquino was expelled from the Church of Satan for being too evil, and then implicated in one of the most horrific child abuse scandals in American history.
It’s amazing what you have to do to get promoted in the US military.
Many of America’s top satanists are members of Skull and Bones, a group whose initiation ritual is too disgusting to be described here. The whole Bush family is Skull and Bones. This group dominates the drug-dealing wing of the CIA, and is reputed to engage in larcenies that occasionally total in the trillions of dollars. Examples include the theft of Japanese gold after World War II, and the looting of Leo Wanta’s 27.5-trillion-dollar haul from the CIA demolition of the USSR’s currency during the final decade of the Cold War.
The satanists’ New World Order project took a quantum leap forward in 2001. Their War on God was product-launched by the 9/11 public relations stunt, a satanic ritual mass human sacrifice that doubled as a global mind-control operation. For the gory details proving 9/11 was a satanic ritual, read S.K. Bain’s The Most Dangerous Book in the World, William Ramsey’s Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order, and Mujahid Kamran’s 9/11 and the New World Order… and listen to my Truth Jihad Radio interview with scholar Tom Breidenbach entitled “Was 9/11 a Human Sacrifice?”
One of the ways the satanists wage their War on Islam is by staging grotesque parodies of Islamic rituals and practices. For example, the World Trade Center – which was built by the Rockefellers expressly for destruction in the 9/11 satanic sacrifice – included a sphere “designed by trade center architect Minoru Yamasaki to mimic the Grand Mosque of Mecca, Masjid al-Haram, in which The Sphere stood at the place of the Kaaba” (Wikipedia). That sphere, representing the parodied kaaba – the cube in Mecca toward which all Muslims pray – was destroyed in the immolation of the Twin Towers and their inhabitants.
The satanists also parodied Islam by having the patsies hired to play the role of “9/11 hijackers” engage in ludicrously un-Islamic behavior. The Mossad impersonator playing the role of Mohamed Atta relished pork chops, strip clubs, hard liquor, drugs, and gambling excursions. The other “radical Muslim hijackers” led similar lifestyles. The night before 9/11, they got drunk in a bar and left an alcohol-soaked Qur’an on their table.
The day after 9/11, the authorities claimed they had solved the case by recovering Mohamed Atta’s supposed last will and testament from a suitcase that miraculously was left off the supposed Flight 11, which allegedly hit the North Tower. Atta’s alleged will begins: “In the name of God, myself, and my family…” This absurd opening is a satanic parody of the Islamic bismillah: “In the name of God, the merciful the compassionate.”
No Muslim would ever write the blasphemous phrase Atta supposedly wrote. And no hijacker planning to crash a plane into a building would put his will in his suitcase that was supposed to be aboard the plane.
And no Muslim would even dream of asking God to accept their sacrifice… and then sacrifice a human being. Such a thing is unimaginable.
The New World Order satanists are laughing at us. Their laughter is truly diabolical.
And the Unislamic State’s pseudo-caliphate – a psychological warfare operation designed to impede the very “Islamic unity” project that the notion of the caliphate symbolizes – is one of their sickest jokes.
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