Image Credit : Daily RantOnline
On Tuesday the 11th of October 2016, the epic patent clash between two world famous smartphones surfaced – Apple and Samsung. The techno giants argued and debated over the value of a design. The Supreme Court began by listening to various arguments from the South Korean smartphone brand – Samsung. The brand believes that Apple owes them for copying lots of features. These features became a part of Apple’s iPhone. Here are few statements from the argument:
Samsung’s attorney Kathleen Sullivan stressed that a smartphone works with several thousand technologies. These are technologies that make the smartphone function. She believes that a single design patent that revolves around the phone’s appearance shouldn’t give the patent holder access or right to the phone’s entire profit.
Apple’s lawyer Seth Waxman argued back that Samsung copied many features from iPhone and in order to be able to recuperate its million of dollar loss of profits. Waxman quoted that Samsung’s very own documents show signs of design flaws. There are directive notes suggesting the use of technologies that can be creatd and function like the iPhone. In fact, directive statements reveal that something like Apple products should be designed to overcome loss in sales.
The Supporters
It is quite interesting to note that Samsung is backed by other IT giants in the Silicon Valley. This includes big names like HP, Google, Dell and Facebook. In fact, there are plenty of law professors backing Samsung. When it comes to Apple, manufacturing and fashion firms like Adidas, Calvin Klein and the American Intellectual Property Laws are helping it through. These firms are largely made of lawyers and owners of Intel properties.
Tuesday’s hearing happened before eight justices. All this arrived at a very bad time for Samsung, since it is already battling hard to take care of many safety crisis related to Galaxy Note 7.
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