The Future Of Virtual Reality In Advertising Is Here
SOURCE: Daily Rant On Line

Virtual Reality In Advertising Is Here

We have seem the virtual reality television shows , now welcome the Digital Ads of the future reality show. Trade groups say that many many consumers do want to see commercials that they can immures themselves into – only if they are done correctly.
Seems that Lexus is one of the front runners in this new age of Virtual ads: “Lexus used the magic of virtual reality to transport visitors to the Canadian Autoshow into cars they selected from the models on show. Interactive agency Globacoreshows how they delivered an immersive VR brand experience with Oculus Rift”. Yet other seem to think that this technical reality advertising will only be a niche offering and nothing more.
I personally like the futures idea of marketing and look forward to its berth.
Here is a short video clip below you might find interesting.
Virtual Reality Itself
Virtual Reality Advertising Clip
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